Monday, 24 June 2013

Promotion and posting in PS Group "B" cadre

46 IP Line officials have been promoted against supplementry vacancies of the year 2012-13 by the DG (Posts). Following officials have been allotted to Delhi Postal Circle :-
1. Sh. Kottankal Basavaraj, Karnataka
2. Sh. C. Jayarami Reddy, A. P.
3. Sh. B. Mallikarjuna Sarma, A. P.

Authority : Postal Dte. Memo  No.9-23/2012-SPG (Pt.) dated 21.06.2013

1 comment:

  1. May I know when will be posting orders issued

    ASP o/o PMG Kurnool Region, Kurnool-518002
