Thursday, 9 January 2014


In pursuance of orders contained in Directorate Memo No. 9-33/2013-SPG dated 10.10.2013, the CPMG, Delhi Circle is pleased to post following Inspector Line officials on regular basis in PS Group "B" cadre in the PB-2, Rs.9300-34800 with GP Rs.4800/- after expiry of debarment period as mentioned against the name of each officer as under :-
1. Sh. R Ismail, Tamilnadu Circle (31.12.2013) is posted as Asstt. Director (V&I), C. O. vice Sh. S N Dhondiyal reverted.
2. Sh. D Sree Ramulu Naik, AP Circle (31.12.2013) is posted as Supdt., CSD against vacant post.
3. Sh. P V Balachander, Tamilnadu Circle (06.01.2014) is posted as Supdt., Foreign Post against vacant post.
4. Ms. P Barthalaxmi, AP Circle (14.01.2014) is posted as Asstt. Director (PO), C.O. vice Sh. Umesh Kumar reverted.
5. Sh. Rajaram R Bhat, Karnataka Circle (17.01.2014) is posted as Supdt. (SPC) vice Sh. Ashok Kumar reverted.
6. Sh. E R Palanasami, Tamilnadu Circle (23.01.2014) is posted as Sr. PM, KNHO vice Sh. C P Sarswat reverted.
7. Sh. S Subba Rao, Tamilnadu Circle (29.01.2014) is posted as Asstt. Director (R&E), C. O. vice Sh. V S Duhoon reverted.

Authority : C. O. Memo No. Staff/50-3/XXIV/Pt II Dated 06.01.2014

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